If you suffer from night cramps, Theracramps could be just what you need. Night cramps occur in the legs, mostly in the calf muscles or in the thighs or feet. The pain is usually bad enough to interrupt sleep. With night cramps your muscles feel tight and the pain can last from seconds, or up to several minutes.The problem is caused by poor blood circulation, making the muscles tightening up involuntarily. It mostly happens to people over 50, but younger people can get it too.Theracrampes contains several natural plant extracts, including Harpagophytum Procumben, Tephrosia Purpurea, Arnica, Eugenia Carophyllus and Menthol.It comes in a handy, easy-to-use, push-button spray. Just spray the affected area. The liquid dries quickly into a light film. The skin pores below that will open up and absorb the solution, to relieve the pain.